The indicator tells if the procuring entity does not indicate the evaluation method of bids among the the evaluation criteria. This indicator is built in accordance with the Hungarian legal provisions and scans procurement calls.
A short submission period leaves less time hence make it harder for non-connected companies to bid successfully whereas a well-connected firm can use its inside knowledge to win repeatedly. This indicator counts number of days between publication of call for tenders and submission deadline. CRCB does not provide further clarification on the algorithm.
The indicator is only relevant in case of procurement procedures for framework agreements and it tells if the procuring entity intends to conclude framework agreements for a longer period of time than 4 years.
This redflag indicates risk if members of the BEC do not have the necessary technical expertise to evaluate the submitted bids AND/OR the project uses a standing BEC regardless of what is being procured AND/OR the committee is too large or dominated by a single individual
This redflag indicates risk if methodology and work Plan is not attached to the contract AND/OR appendix lacks information about services and facilities provided by the client
The indicator tells if the grounds for the use of negotiated procedure (launched by the publication of the procurement notice) are missing or they are wrongly stated. The algorithm looks for meeting legal requirements in several type of procedures.
The indicator tells if the number of competitors determined by the procuring entity in certain procedure types is lower than the legal minimum of bidders. This indicator is built upon Hungarian legal provisions and scans procurement calls.
This redflag indicates risk if there is a wide and inexplicable disparity in bid prices considering the type of works, goods or services being procured. The Worldbank' Handbook does not indicate the scope of the width.