The indicator tells if the procuring entity did not indicate in the procurement call the method of ranking if setting the range of the number of competitors.
The indicator tells if the number of competitors determined by the procuring entity in certain procedure types is lower than the legal minimum of bidders. This indicator is built upon Hungarian legal provisions and scans procurement calls.
This redflag indicates risk if there are no adequate response or clarification by project officials to complaints from bidders about vague, ambiguous or incomplete specifications
The indicator tells form the relevant field of the award notice, if the procuring entity has applied or applies a procedure not launched by an open procurement call.
This redflag indicates risk if there is unusual or unreasonable evaluation criteria for short-listing AND/OR One or more of the short-listed consultants or prequalified companies does not have the appropriate qualifications for the assignment AND/OR there is a wide gap in qualifications of the short-listed companies AND/OR Highly qualified firms have expressed interest and are not short-listed
The indicator tells if the potential number of renewals for a contract can be considered above average (3 ore more) or if that might result in a longer contract (4 or more years). Moreover, it can be of significant risk if there is no imformation available with regard to the possible renewals. This indicator scans wording of the relevant fields of the procurement calls.
The indicator flags the procedure - by scanning award notices - if the tender process was successful (there is a winning bidder) but the parties have not concluded a contract.
This redflag indicates risk if there is a close similarity between the specifications and the winning bidder’s product or services AND/OR specifications stipulate a brand name without stating “or equivalent” AND/OR there are complaints from other bidders that the specifications match too closely those of a single competitor, or that a bidder prepared the contract specifications
This redflag indicates risk if there are two or more contracts issued for identical items over a short period of time for no apparent reason, which results in the application of a less competitive procurement method. It also indicates risk if the purchase of items that should have been procured jointly, but are procured by each sub-unit (eg one vehicle for on department).