This redflag indicates risk if there is a wide and inexplicable disparity in bid prices considering the type of works, goods or services being procured. The Worldbank' Handbook does not indicate the scope of the width.
This redflag indicates risk if particular line items that are unreasonably low compared to market prices are later removed from the list of requirements under the contract.
The indicator tells if the subject of the procurement falls into an area carrying increased risk as defined by the Hungarian Competition Authority based on analysis of former agreements restricting competition. This indicator relies both on external data and data of relevant field of the procurement call.
This redflag indicates risk if the period between the advertisement and the bid submission deadline is very short. The Worldbank's Handbook does not imply actual timespan.
This redflag indicates risk if there is a suspicious bid pattern that consists of unreasonably high bid prices submitted by losing bidders for which there is no legitimate explanation and which cannot be attributed to an error. The World Bank does not indicate accurate ratio for suspiciously high amount.
This indicator counts number of characters of the eligibility criteria MINUS average number of characters of the given market's eligibility criteria. It indicates risk if eligibility criteria less visible deters bidders [ie. this indicator implies correlation between "overspecification" and tailored tenders - e.g. according to the statistics criteria length above market average by 520-2639 characters 16 increases probability of a single received bid by 10.4%-11.9% and the winner’s share within issuer’s contracts by 1.3% compared to the shortest criteria-length group]
This indicator measures the proportion of non-price related evaluation criteria within all criteria, since non-price related evaluation criteria tend to be more subjective, allowing issuers to favour the well-connected company. Apparently unfair assessment criteria also deters bidders.