This redflag indicates risk if there is a close similarity between the specifications and the winning bidder’s product or services AND/OR specifications stipulate a brand name without stating “or equivalent” AND/OR there are complaints from other bidders that the specifications match too closely those of a single competitor, or that a bidder prepared the contract specifications
The indicator tells if the procuring entity, with regard to technical and professional capacity, restricts the setting of eligibility criteria unduly by setting geographilcal requirements e.g. equipment, capacity within a distance, availability of an estate etc. This redflag is built upon expert knowledge and scrutiny of dubious Hungarian practical examples.
Modifying call for tenders allows for excluding unwanted bidders by changing eligibility criteria once the interested bidders are known. Therefore the indicator's value is set 0, if call for tenders are NOT modified and 1, if call for tenders are modified.
This indicator counts number of characters of the eligibility criteria MINUS average number of characters of the given market's eligibility criteria. It indicates risk if eligibility criteria less visible deters bidders [ie. this indicator implies correlation between "overspecification" and tailored tenders - e.g. according to the statistics criteria length above market average by 520-2639 characters 16 increases probability of a single received bid by 10.4%-11.9% and the winner’s share within issuer’s contracts by 1.3% compared to the shortest criteria-length group]