This redflag indicates risk if there are no complete contact information AND/OR the procuring entity drafts overly vague descriptions of the goods, works, or services (so that bidders cannot determine their interest) AND/OR drafts overly narrow descriptions of the goods, works, or services (so that exclude qualified bidders).
This redflag indicates risk if there is a complaint from one or more bidders about the bundling of goods, works, and services AND/OR items to be procured within a proposed bundle are not related AND/OR there is a significant reduction in the number of potential or actual bidders AND/OR lack of justification for the bundling on the basis of cost savings or reduced risks
The indicator tells if the procuring entity does not indicate the evaluation method of bids among the the evaluation criteria. This indicator is built in accordance with the Hungarian legal provisions and scans procurement calls.
The indicator is only relevant in case of procurement procedures for framework agreements and it tells if the procuring entity intends to conclude framework agreements for a longer period of time than 4 years.
This redflag indicates risk if members of the BEC do not have the necessary technical expertise to evaluate the submitted bids AND/OR the project uses a standing BEC regardless of what is being procured AND/OR the committee is too large or dominated by a single individual
This redflag indicates risk if there is an unreasonably large number of contracts awarded just below national competitive bidding treshold [NCB] OR there are related and simultaneous purchases from the same supplier in amounts just under the NCB threshold
This redflag indicates risk if there are multiple sole source awards or direct contracting to the same company within the same procuring unit, where the items should have been procured separately (e.g., the additional activities are not a natural continuation of the existing contract)
The indicator tells if the grounds for the use of negotiated procedure (launched by the publication of the procurement notice) are missing or they are wrongly stated. The algorithm looks for meeting legal requirements in several type of procedures.
This redflag indicates risk where the use of sole sourcing or direct contracting contradicts the Procurement Plan calls for use of more competitive methods OR where there is sole sourcing or direct contracting for new procurement actions (not listed in the Procurement Plan) without obtaining the World Bank’s no objection.