Indicators (12/119)

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Acceptance of late bids (23)

Country: INT
Language: English

This redflag indicates risk if not all bids are brought to the opening ceremony AND/OR One or more of the submitted bids lack a time stamp

Deadline for bids differs from date of opening (84)

Country: Hungary
Language: Hungarian

This indicator tells from the wording of the procurement call if the date of the opening of bids or requests to participate is not the same as the expiry of the deadline to submit bids or requests to participate in procurement procedures.

Delay in delivery (42)

Country: INT
Language: English

This redflag indicates risk if there is a delayed start of works or a delivery of services beyond normal timeframes AND/OR Long delays in implementation of the contract. The World Bank's Handbook does not indicate figures for normal timeframe.

Evaluation of bids with long term (88)

Country: Hungary
Language: Hungarian

The indicator tells if the actual duration of the evaluation of the bids (i.e. the period between the opening until the the sending of the notice on the results of the procedure) - extension included - exceeds the legal maximum. Hungarian tender notices based on the new legal provisions do not contain the relevant field any more, therefore this indicator was inactivated.

Failure to enforce bidding deadlines (19)

Country: INT
Language: English

This redflag indicates risk if the procuring entity fails to enforce bidding deadlines. The worldbank does not imply more accurate description to this redflag.

Length of submission period (69)

Country: Hungary
Language: Hungarian

A short submission period leaves less time hence make it harder for non-connected companies to bid successfully whereas a well-connected firm can use its inside knowledge to win repeatedly. This indicator counts number of days between publication of call for tenders and submission deadline. CRCB does not provide further clarification on the algorithm.

Long delay in contract award or negotiations (36)

Country: INT
Language: English

This redflag indicates risk if there is a long delay in contract award or negotiations. The World Bank' Handbook does not imply exact numbers.

Long term framework agreement (97)

Country: Hungary
Language: Hungarian

The indicator is only relevant in case of procurement procedures for framework agreements and it tells if the procuring entity intends to conclude framework agreements for a longer period of time than 4 years.

Short notice (8)

Country: INT
Language: English

This redflag indicates risk if the period between the advertisement and the bid submission deadline is very short. The Worldbank's Handbook does not imply actual timespan.

Timeframe to submit bids is too tight (116)

Country: Hungary
Language: Hungarian

The indicator shows if the expiry of the deadline for the submission of bids/requests to participate is shorter than the legal minimum, in accordance with the EU law (in case of an open proceudre, the expiry of the deadline for the submission of the bids is relevant).